

Frank knows first-hand what the radical left is doing to indoctrinate our kids, and parental involvement is essential to accountability in the classroom.

He’s tired of the raw deal our kids are getting from education bureaucrats, who first fought to keep classrooms closed and then worked to fill them with radical teaching on sex, gender, and race.

Frank will fight for policies that support quality schools and empower parents to make the right decisions for the well-being of their kids.

A Voice for Parents

Frank LaRose is the only candidate in the race with grade-school children. As a father to three young girls, he believes all parents should know what their kids are being taught and how they’re being treated. Our schools should never pursue policies that undermine parental authority or intentionally withhold information about a struggling student.

Children across America are getting a raw deal from the big government education establishment. Instead of respecting parents as partners in the effort to prepare the next generation, education bureaucrats have gone on the attack. They greatly prolonged the suffering of children during the pandemic by scheming to keep schools closed; then they loaded up lesson plans with gender radicalism, climate extremism and anti-American revisionist history; and, when parents complained, they got Joe Biden’s FBI to label them “domestic terrorists.”

Investing in Quality Schools

As a state senator, Frank supported school choice, fought for parental rights, and invested in safer classrooms. He beat back the radical education union agendas, and, where schools weren’t improving, he made sure parents had access to vouchers that gave them a choice in their child’s education. He’s championed expanding education spending to include technical and vocational training in addition to traditional colleges. Frank also worked to protect kids with autism by making sure they had access to scholarship programs that let parents put them in schools best equipped to help them. Getting the right resources to help kids with disabilities is the right thing to do.

Putting Students First

Typically, failing schools plead for bigger budgets just to give pay increases to staff while kids get little or nothing in the classroom. As an Ohio legislator, Frank voted to put students first – making sure every dollar invested followed the students. He’ll take those same priorities to the U.S. Senate, where he’ll make sure every child gets access to a quality education. He’ll support policies that empower parents and students, not the education bureaucrats. For students trapped in failing schools, he’ll fight for accountability, higher standards, and school choice, including the right to home school. Frank will work to get more kids access to STEM education; he’ll fight like a dad of three girls to keep radical gender policies out of sports programs and locker rooms; and he’ll make sure schools teach history lessons that don’t demonize America.

Teaching America’s Greatness

Frank believes we shouldn’t allow our tax dollars to be spent teaching our kids to hate our country or to hate each other. We should teach our kids the truth: that America has a tragic history of racial injustice, but the great progress we’ve made toward our founding ideal of freedom and justice for all is one of the things that makes America exceptional. He’s committed to building a society where we work together to achieve the ideals on which our nation was founded: freedom, equal opportunity, and self-governance.

Bottom Line

We need to empower parents to get their kids the education they deserve, with the resources they need. Frank will fight to level the playing field and help parents, not bureaucrats, choose what’s best for their kids.